Haunted Rock Island Roadhouse Reviews

Haunted Rock Island Roadhouse


4.2 / 5.0 based on 9 reviews

Review your experience with No Website

Review your experience with No Website

   Made it really difficult to see who was there and times they were speaking

Oct 14, 2024
by: Eric Wiederholt

Review your experience with No Website

   It was a little different not having a website but the purchases were made with no issues.

Oct 13, 2024
by: Michelle Hessom

Review your experience with No Website

   Didn’t get the protection and moxie malla

Oct 08, 2024
by: Serena Williams

Review your experience with No Website

Oct 07, 2024
by: Shawn Daniel

Review your experience with No Website

Oct 06, 2024
by: Pamela Kramarczyk

Review your experience with No Website

Oct 05, 2024
by: Kelly Gallagher

Review your experience with No Website

Oct 05, 2024
by: Deidre Sanford

Review your experience with No Website

Oct 05, 2024
by: Jennifer Lubinski

Review your experience with No Website

Oct 05, 2024
by: Sarah Parmenter
Reviews source: Reviews for Haunted+Rock+Island+Roadhouse

Haunted Rock Island Roadhouse Paracon


2.8 / 5.0 based on 4 reviews

How did you like the event?

How did you like the event?

Oct 14, 2024
by: Eric Wiederholt

How did you like the event?

 Very limited food vendors - less than advertised. Good variety of presentations and vendor tables but almost too much. Not enough time in between presentations and some felt rushed. Great admission price. Very disappointed in the VIP investigation - too many people and disorganized. You should have only sold out once not twice!! No one went through how an investigation should be held because there was too much talking!! The only controlled session was in the Boiler Room.

Oct 13, 2024
by: Michelle Hessom

How did you like the event?

     It was amazing!! Had a great time

Oct 10, 2024
by: Shawn Daniel

How did you like the event?

Oct 08, 2024
by: Serena Williams
Reviews source: Reviews for Haunted+Rock+Island+Roadhouse+Paracon

Messages From the Other Side With Medium Sarah Lemos


5.0 / 5.0 based on 6 reviews

How did you like the event?

How did you like the event?

Oct 06, 2024
by: Pamela Kramarczyk

How did you like the event?

   Sarah is absolutely amazing. She has no idea of what it meant to us for her to speak for our loved ones. From the depths of our hears I want to thank her for the Peace that we now feel. ❤️

Oct 05, 2024
by: Kelly Gallagher

How did you like the event?

       Great time with Sarah! Her gift is truly amazing. I'd definitely see her again.

Oct 05, 2024
by: Sarah Parmenter

How did you like the event?

Oct 05, 2024
by: Hannah Fredrick

How did you like the event?

Oct 05, 2024
by: Deidre Sanford

How did you like the event?

   Incredible! Sarah Lemos is amazing and such a light !

Oct 05, 2024
by: Jennifer Lubinski
Reviews source: Reviews for Messages+From+the+Other+Side+With+Medium+Sarah+Lemos

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